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At Alexanderwerk, we are the world’s leading provider of dry compaction and granulation solutions. We offer high-quality standard and custom machines that support critical processing applications in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, life science, and nuclear fields. We just published an eBook in which we provide answers to five of the most commonly asked questions regarding the roller compaction process, including how it works, what advantages it offers, what the significance of parameter controls is, what a typical roller compaction operation and system look like, and what products it accommodates.

  1. What is the science behind powder processing during roller compaction operations?
  2. What powder processing techniques are there and what advantages does roller compaction have over other powder processing techniques and technologies?
  3. What are the significant control parameters in roller compaction operations?
  4. What does a typical roller compaction operation and system look like?
  5. What products can be compacted, and how is material flow addressed?

Please check out the answers in our ebook using this link: https://alexanderwerkinc.com/five-common-questions-about-roller-compaction-dry-granulation/

Alexandwerwerk ebook

If you have more specific questions chat with one of our subject matter experts in granulation development work, including roller compaction, blending, milling, drying and material handling, containment, continuous manufacturing and more use this link: https://alexanderwerkinc.com/contact-us/

Or find your local Alexanderwerk specialist using this link: https://www.alexanderwerk.com/